Reflecting on Photogrammetry
Modeling an object and simply viewing one in an exhibition are two distinct experiences that
Modeling an object and simply viewing one in an exhibition are two distinct experiences that
Hey, this is Clay, I just had my procedure so I wasn’t actually able to
In this post, I will be discussing the data visualization I created for a top
For a long time, I think I really took for granted how hard it is
The “Network of Thrones” is a project created by Andrew Beveridge, professor at Macalester. In
Here’s a link to the project I’m writing about: This network analysis project detailed
I definitely don’t know a lot about abstract artists, but the Inventing Abstraction visualization tool
For this assignment, we were given a dataset of the top ten male and female
I picked Kieran Healy’s post “Using Metadata to find Paul Revere” because my mom and
Although coding is not a “must” for humanities students, I personally think they should learn